Une personne qui s'entraîne dans son garage.

Why have a gym at home?

Why have a gym at home? Home gyms have several advantages for people who want to work out, in addition to being profitable in the short and long term. We therefore present to you here the advantages of it, the different sets on promotion that we recommend purchasing for your home gym according to your needs, as well as the cost comparison with a subscription to a training room.


Saving time and money 

Having a home gym saves you time and money that you would normally spend traveling to a workout room. You won't have to waste time moving around, thinking about what you're wearing or talking to people you meet there. Plus, you won’t have to pay monthly membership fees or subscriptions.


Having a gym at home allows you to exercise anytime. You don't have to respect the opening hours of the training rooms and you can even entertain and supervise the children while training if you are a parent. You can also work out dressed in whatever way suits you and you have access to your shower in the comfort of your own home. Plus, you don't have to wait for your turn to use particular equipment and the ease of access to workout equipment can encourage you to stay active and maintain a regular exercise routine.


A home gym allows you to exercise out of sight. This can be a great advantage for people who are less comfortable exercising in public, who don't want to have to engage in conversations, or for people who are beginners.

Choice of equipment 

The advantage of having a gym at home is that you have total control over the choice of equipment with which you want to train. So you can target equipment that meets your specific needs and training preferences. You can also arrange the space as you wish by choosing the layout of the equipment, adjusting the lighting and choosing your music to create an environment that motivates you. You can therefore personalize your training space according to your objectives.

Our recommendations

Here are some of our recommendations for equipment for a home gym according to your needs. These sets can be used to replace a gym membership or to supplement it, as it helps tide you over when you don't have the time or motivation for a workout at a public gym. You currently have the opportunity to purchase these sets thanks to the Home Gym promotion in effect. Each set can be modified according to your needs and at the discretion of our representatives. The price will vary accordingly.

Basic set

The basic set allows you to perform a good number of exercises at home. It allows you to follow a training program adapted for home and to work on all the muscles of the body. This set is perfect for beginners or for people who want to equip themselves at a low price.

Here's what the set contains: 


Total price = 165,55$

Current promotion = With the purchase of this set, get a cap and a shaker for free. 

Intermediate set

The intermediate set allows you to perform a more complete range of exercises at home. Just like the basic set, it allows you to follow a training program adapted for home and to work on all the muscles of the body, but in a more complete way and with a greater load on the weights. This set is perfect for people who lift a larger load or who simply want to equip themselves more completely.

Here's what the set contains: 


Total value = 800,85$

Current promotion = With the purchase of this set, get $50 off. 

Promotional price = 750,85$

Together The Passionate

The Passionate set is more complete than the first two sets and allows you to perform a multitude of exercises at home. Just like the previous sets, it allows you to follow a training program adapted for home and to work all the muscles of the body, but in a much more complete and varied way and with a greater load in terms of weights. This set is perfect for people who lift a larger load or who want to get closer to a commercial gym.

Here's what the set contains: 

Total value = 3 172,40$

Current promotion = With the purchase of this set, get $150 off.

Promotional price = 3 022,40$

Cost comparison

For comparison, a home gym is more profitable in the short and long term than a gym membership. Here's why : 

Average cost of an annual gym membership:

  1. Budget Gym: Between $200 and $400 per year.
  2. Mid-range gym: Between $400 and $800 per year.
  3. High-end gym: Between $800 and $1500 per year.

It's important to note that these numbers are general averages and actual prices may vary from gym to gym.

In this sense, the majority of gym equipment has a lifespan of more than 10 years. Thus, your home gym represents an investment and allows you to save money over time. However, we must not forget that a public training room also offers its advantages and that it may be more suitable for many people depending on their preferences. It's up to you to see what suits you best!

For any questions about our recommended sets or our products, do not hesitate to contact us at 418-831-9299, we will be happy to advise you.

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